

Thursday, September 25, 2008

ONE 'til our day of FUN.....

~Rehearsal dinner with my wedding director~ ~Rehearsing those camera-ready smiles!~
~Your invitation awaits...see you there!~
The countdown to our 10 year anniversary continues..

The invitations have been sent, the T's have been crossed and the I's have been dotted..or at least I hope they were! This night 10 years ago was spent rehearsing our ceremony at First Baptist Church of Conyers and having a relaxing dinner at Seven Gables.
I have very few pictures from this night..if anyone comes across any, please send them my way! I was so young and inexperienced that I didn't understand the importance of good pictures! (Mary, if we would have been friends then, this would have been taken care of by you..i just know it!) Actually, my sister ALWAYS has a camera in hand, but she was probably already busy fixing every other little detail that my oblivious mind had forgotten!

This night was the last night that my name would be Miss Jillian Amber Allgood. Until my last day on earth, I will be called a new name...Jillian Amber Allgood Hill. Of all the names that I dreamed I would have, I never practiced over and over on a sheet of paper in cursive (you know what i am talking about, girls!) the name........ "Jill Hill"! In fact, I hated it at first, and wanted people to start calling me Jillian again. That lasted about a minute! It didn't quite catch on after being called "Jill" for most of my life!

As time went by, I learned to love my name and still do! I can promise you that nobody forgets it very easily! And every kid that I tell my name to always grins from ear to ear and says."Really? Is that really your!"

Well, it's time to get ready for dinner people! Off I go, off to the rehearsal dinner! Can't wait to see you at the wedding tomorrow!! I bid you adieu...

until then,
Jillian Amber Allgood ;)


Rebekah said...

Look at you, Miss writer extraordinaire! I love it.
Can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Love you guys,

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

i would have TOTALLY taken 100 pictures, Love. just like you did at my rehearsal dinner.
i'm so glad that i didn't get married before we met, i'll always cherish you having been at my side with a newborn in tow, nonetheless. who looks that good as a bridesmaid with a 3 month old? YOU do, that's who!!!!
Happy 10 Annivesary, Doll!
Love you guys!!