

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Idols among us....

Dear God,

Please help me to keep You first in my life. It's so hard at times.

My children sometimes get the most of my love, then my husband, then You.

I know this is the all messed up and in the wrong order. Please keep reminding me of this.

Yours forever and always,


**I read a devotional a few days ago about Idol Worship. Idol worship? Me?

Yes, Me.

God spoke to my heart about things that I put above Him, even things that are considered "good" things.

Lem has been having weird things flash in his peripheral vision. A bright white light or something. Strange.

The eye doctor told him that everything looked fine, but to follow up if it continues.

So, the worrier in me is thinking: "Oh, no. Lord, please don't let anything be seriously wrong with him. He is my everything. I can't live without him!"

Then I hear Him whisper to me..."Jill, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Never say that you couldn't live without something or someone. I am your only need. I am jealous for you, beloved."

I shiver as I think of Him telling me this.

He's right. He is all I need.

Do I put my children and husband above Him at times? Oh, yes. A whole lot.

I'm a work in progress. I trust Him. But, do I really trust Him with my husband and my children?

Oh , Lord. Help me on this.

I had a weird vision in the car last weekend. I was driving to my sisters house and I pictured Him holding me. I was crumpled in His arms. He was carrying me. Cradling me.

Tears streamed down my face as I was driving. The lump in my throat was so large I thought it would surely pop right out of my mouth.

He wants to be my everything. He wants to be the one I run to when I'm scared, fearful, worried, and anxious.

Don't we all feel this way about our own children?

I am the one that I want them to want, to need, to run to. I want to be their hero.

God wants to be our hero. He wants our full attention. He is jealous for us. Jealous for our love. Not just for our left-over love, but to be our first love.

Can you picture Him cradling you? Can you picture His big strong arms wrapped around your limp body and carrying you through the storms of this life?

Close your eyes and see the picture of this. It's a beautiful sight.

Let Him carry you, friend. Run into His arms instead of your usual comfortable place to run.

For me, my comfortable place is my husband, my Mom, my Sister, my children, my friends. I run to them to bandage my wounds and nurse me back to health.  They soothe me, they pat me on the back, they are safe.

They are only band-aids, though.

What are your band-aids?

Your husband? Your children? Your church? Your friends? Money? Food? Alcohol? Your job?

We all have our band-aids.

Jesus is the ultimate healer. The only healer. He is jealous for you, beloved.

ripping off the band-aids and going straight to the Healer,


1 comment:

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

Each post is inspired, Jilly and this one is just for me.
Thanks for sharing your heart and encouraging me to look only to Him.
I love you!