
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Sunshine in December....
I am a day behind on this particular blog. In fact, before Presley closed her eyes and gave way for Mr. Sandman, her very last words were this: "You forgot to do a blog about me today, Mommy."
I didn't forget. I just got behind.
Seems like I am behind on everything these days.
I thought when my kids started school that I would have a lot more time to "get things done".
Not exactly.
The older they get the more activities we have, the later we stay up, the more homework and projects we have, the bigger their messes are to clean up, their laundry is bigger to catch my drift.
My car hardly ever stays parked. It looks like we live in it...because we practically do.
I always scurry to pick up stuff off of the floor when I open my car door for carpool. No telling what will fall out one day.
I wouldn't change a thing though. I love this life.
I was telling someone yesterday that I was living my dream.
We are not rich, in fact far from it....but I am so very happy with my treasures.
My family is the greatest treasure of all.
When I was a little girl, I used to daydream on the big yellow school bus. I would dream of me being a wife to a handsome man and waking up each morning, making breakfast for my family, and then driving my babies to school.
That's all I ever wanted in life. No big dreams of being a doctor, or a lawyer, or a teacher, or any other profession outside of the home.
I wanted to be a wife and a mommy. That's it.
God gave me this opportunity.
I am forever grateful.
This brings me to my little Presley.
We celebrated her 7th birthday yesterday. Yes, 7th! I can hardly believe it either.
I took a ton of pictures all week of her.
Guess what?
I left my camera at my mother-in-loves house last night.
So, fun pictures from this week will come later.
Here is what Presley has been doing this past year:
~she had her first sleep over with a friend...Audrey Balicki.
~she completed Kindergarten...with flying colors.
~she LOVES to sing, dance, and sing some more.
~her favorite musician is Taylor Swift.
~she loves playing school in her room. she sits on her little bench and reads to her baby dolls and writes on her white board.
~i am still her best friend. (yay!)
~her favorite food is spaghetti. (just like her momma!)
~she (still) takes my breath away. she is so beautiful.
~she has very long legs.
~she takes off her shoes as soon as she gets in the car from school. i grab her toes and start squeezing them. i am in love with her feet!
~she sweats when she sleeps. she gets so hot--just like her daddy!
~she sleeps with her big brother most nights. it's the most precious thing in the world.
~she is claustrophobic. just like her momma.
~she loves having her picture taken. her favorite pose is a silly one!
~she loves crafts of any kind. her little hands stay busy all day long.
~she loves to help me in the kitchen. she can cook her own eggs and waffles for breakfast. for real.
~she loves Jesus with all her heart.
~her life verse fits her to a t. "charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30.
~she keeps me on my toes,
~she makes me a better momma.
~scratch that, she makes me a better person altogether.
My Presley Jane stole my heart the day I first laid eyes on her soft blond hair and deep blue eyes.
She looked just like a little angel when she was born. I couldn't believe she was mine. How could someone so beautiful and perfect come from me?
I don't know the answer to that.
I do know that God is so good to me.
Happy 7th birthday, Presley Jane.
We love you to the moon and back.
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