

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel....

~Me and Joseph goofing off on the first day of school. I made it black and white because of my blood shot eyes!!~

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11

As I sit here this morning drinking my first cup of hot java, I am overwhelmed by the people in my life who love me so much. From the previous posts, you all know that I have been quite emotional and sentimental with my babies starting school. To be honest, I have a tendency to sink really deep at times and crawl into a hole for days leaving no trace of my normally sunny side up disposition. My highs can be extremely high, yet my lows can be devastatingly subterranean. Lying in my bed curled into a fetal position can easily describe these times of melancholy for me. My closest friends and family know this all too well about me. When I fly off the radar, they quickly start calling and probing. Which usually leads them to the deep dark black hole of my cell phone voice mail. Sorry guys...:(

With all of this said, I just want to thank dear family and precious friends for loving me and accepting this about me. You never give up on me, and you always have words of wisdom and a listening ear when these times come for me. My mom and my sister are my anchors, and I would be about as useless as the Titanic sitting at the bottom of the ocean without them. Thank you for always praying for me, and giving me the strength that I need to pull myself up my boot straps and keep going. The two of you are the strongest women presences in my life and always have been. I am in complete awe of your strength, and i often wonder why that gene was left out of my DNA.

And then there are my friends, who never cease to inspire me and amaze me with their devotion and loyalty to me. God has given me friends that are inestimable, and i am so grateful for their constant support.

Lastly, i want to thank my husband and children for loving me despite my immeasurable imperfections. Poor Lem, he just had NO idea what he was getting into when he married this girl. :)

I was walking to the mailbox with Joseph yesterday, a rare moment with just the two of us, and i said..

Me: "Joseph, I love you more than anything in the whole world at this very moment. Do you know this?"

Joseph: "No, you don't mommy. You love God and Jesus more than anything in the whole world."

Me: (Fighting back the tears and the HUGE lump in my throat) "You are right Joseph. Thank you for reminding me of this, and for His love for me. "

Wow, my 7 year old and his wisdom.

putting the Kleenex away and opening the blinds again,



Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

Light!!! We love light!!! You love it more than anyone I know and I'm so glad that you are beginning to embrace the good and the sunshine!! Your cup is half-FULL, if not completely full!
And, your support team (Body of Christ) is unmatched, God's way of reminding you that he's sustaining you and guiding you. Rest in that today, Love!!

Anonymous said...

I love you Jill! You have grown this week. You are just as strong as your mom and sister, don't sell yourself short!!
You are so blessed to have your mom and sister close by!
I'll be in this boat on Monday!

Not ready for summer to end~