

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The good old days.....

Joseph, Granny Hill and Presley

Presley, Jess, Lem and Grandaddy Easter

This week finds me reminiscing of the good old days when all of my grandparents were alive. I miss each of them so much. My grandmother Huscusson, PawPaw, and Granny Allgood were all such HUGE impacts in my life growing up. Not only were they special, but as I grew up and got married, i received 3 more grandparents from Lem! Mymama, Grandaddy and Granny Hill. Granny Hill is the only one still alive, and she is in a nursing home. Joseph just loves her so much. He wrote a story about her at school this year. They were asked to write their wish for 2008, and his wish was to spend more time with his Granny Hill. It was more like a note to her, telling her all of the things he loved to do with her. After the initial disappointment that he didn't write about me, I was so stricken with his love for his Granny and the sweet way that he relates to her. Despite their obvious age difference and generational gap, they have a strong undeniable connection. He reminds me so much of her, his sweet ways and his love for people and animals mirrors her personality.

I pray each day that I can be half the grandparent that my grandparents were to me. I miss them dearly, and know that they are angels in heaven now. Thank you for the influence that each of you had in my life, I am constantly reminded of your love and especially the prayers that you must have prayed over my life.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our super fun week!

Joseph and Daddy at the zoo

Presley's favorite arms!!!

~~ Presley's close-up~~

Presley, Mommy Jane and Graham riding the train

Spring break has been a blast! We went to the park, had lunch with my nephew at school, had playdates, saw a movie, went bowling and went to the zoo!! Whew! What a great week!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Break arrives....

Me and Joseph getting in some cuddle time!!!

Spring Break is finally here! I have been counting down the days since winter break it seems. I can't begin to express how much i love having Joseph at home with me 24/7. I miss him so much when he is at school, it is really pathetic. I never dreamed that my son would be one of my very best friends. His belly laugh, crooked & missing teeth, inquisitive little eyebrows and the way he shuffles his little feet when he walks makes this mommy MELT. When he and Presley are both at home with me all the world seems right.

We have such a fun week planned! Today began with visiting my sister in Athens and eating lunch with my nephew at school. It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect day!

Lem is taking wed, thurs, and friday off to spend time with us. I am so excited! I am starting to believe that QT is becoming a frontrunner as one of my top love languages. :)

I took some cute pics today at my nephew, Royce's school. Too tired to plug my camera in and post them....maybe next post i will share those pics. For now, here is a pic of my and Joseph taken on Sat. night. I had on a fleece pullover because i was freezing...imagine that. :)

Off to bed i go. Nighty Night.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Have i told you lately........

Have i told you lately...............that i LOVE my husband! Today started off as an ordinary, get up, have some quiet time with my coffee and oatmeal, get Joseph up and going for school, make the kids breakfast, help Presley put on a princess dress, kind of day. All of this and it's only 6:15am!! In the midst of the hustle and bustle of our daily dear husband left me the sweetest and most thoughtful surprise! Before i elaborate, i must say that this past week has been a little tumultuous. I have been concerned and worried over some things happening in our life right now, and this has overtaken my peace and well-being for the last couple of days. I have been completely off-balance and honestly, less than kind to my husband. I tend to take my worries and frustrations out on him and he always gets the brunt of my wavering emotions. Poor fellow....

Anyway, with that said, I have decided to give my fear, anxiety and needless worry to my sweet Lord and Saviour. I have laid it at his feet, and i will no longer carry the burden of fruitless worry. (at least for today!)

Back to the story, Lem left for work, with the usual hug and "love you" to me and the kids. I mindlessly start cleaning up the dishes from breakfast. My mind is still spinning from trying to figure things out and worrying about stuff completely out of my control. My lips bear the mark of this worry with one HUGE cold sore on my top lip. Yeah, thanks. As I go to my bathroom to get some Blistex for Mt. Everest that has so graciously taken up residence on my mouth, I see a yellow post it note on the counter next to my makeup bag. I guess he put it there because he knew my makeup bag was the one place i would certainly be headed to today. The note read....

Jill, Have a great day. Try not to worry so much. It's all in God's hands. May He watch over you today. P.s. You look beautiful this morning. Love, Lem.

Tears are stinging my eyes, and my throat is developing a lump, quite similar to the lump on my top lip. I have never been more in love with him than this very second. I had to write, to let these emotions out, to have a place to come back to when i am not feeling so mushy about him and be reminded of his tenderness and love for me. Thank you Lord, for using Him to speak to me. Thank you, Lem for taking the time to say just what my heart needed to hear.

To my sweet Lem...I dedicate this verse to you. It was given to me a while back by a very good friend and it has become a daily inspiration for me.

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
- numbers 6:24

I love you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A little down time...

I had truly forgotten how much i enjoy writing and journaling, until i started this blog. As meager as this blog is, I have come to look forward to finding a few seconds to write. It is funny how once you become a mother, especially a mother of 2, you forget what you liked doing pre-motherhood. Anyone relate? Having a journal forces me to sit, relax and take a load off....(although, since i have been writing for a mere 3 minutes, i have already gotten up twice to check on presley as she is resting!!) Writing helps me to reflect for a few moments instead of constantly staying in 5th gear zooming through my day. My mother always tells me to enjoy each second of this time because it flies by. I am starting to believe her, and see that truth constantly. Every time i see a picture of my children as babies, i tear up and think..."did i cherish every second of that time? or did i try to rush them getting bigger so that it would be easier?" I know at times i wanted time to go faster, but how i miss those days of holding my sweet babies in my arms as they slept. I LOVE the neediness they had for me. What a silly thing, but i miss that complete dependence they had on me.
As long as i can remember, i have LOVED babies and my only dream was to be a stay at home mom. I remember getting off of the bus and seeing other children being pulled into their driveways by their parents. I so vividly remember thinking to i want to be that kind of mom! My parents were the best parents in the world. They gave us everything they had and then some. Unfortunately that meant both parents working. It was the only way they could make ends meet at the time, and I admire mom greatly for that sacrifice. All moms, whether working or stay at home moms, are admirable in my eyes. I know personally the sacrifice it takes to be a working mom and a stay at home mom. They are both equally challenging, yet unbelievably rewarding in their own right.

I often wonder if there is more that i could be doing in this world, more i could be accomplishing. Yet, every time i question this and doubt my abilities, i hear a still small voice telling me that i am living my dream, the dreams i held on to so dearly as i rode the bus home from school. Then I smile and thank the Lord for his blessings. This is the role that He has chosen for me now, in this moment. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a wife to a Godly, wonderful man and a mother to my two angels sent straight from heavens playpen.

The picture above is one of their first pictures together, as it was taken just a couple of days after she came home from the hospital. I guess this is how they will always be in my eyes...even when i am laid up in a nursing home somewhere...this is the memory that i will carry of them.

I love you, Joseph and Presley.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Count down to summer..

ONE more week until Joseph's Spring break...Yay!! We may be headed to the beach for a few days. Still working that out. I cannot wait until summer and no more school. School is draining on parents too!! Looking forward to lazy days and not so much rush rush rush in the morning!

Presley and I had a great week housework fell behind but it was worth it. She really enjoys the outdoors. Joseph likes being outside, just not for too long. He likes to read and play on the computer.

Is it really going to be in the 30's next week?? How is that possible after last week.....ughhhh!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring is in the air...finally!!

Today is a beautiful day! Presley and I will be playing outside and enjoying this nice weather. I am trying to soak up every second with her before she starts preschool this fall. As much as I need the break, i will miss her terribly. Presley is such a girly girl. Her new thing is dresses....she wants to go to sleep wearing a dress and wake up and put on a new dress. I have to wrangle her into putting on pants or shorts these days. She complains the whole time and it makes it difficult getting her dressed. I guess we need to invest in more dresses!! She also LOVES makeup....oh my goodness. The child is obsessed with lotion, makeup and perfume. (wonder where she gets that from!)

By the way, i have just created a myspace can find us there if you are a myspace member. I decided to create one because some of my girlfriends are on there, and it is an easy and fun way to keep up and post playdates etc...i just have to remember to check it! My brain is fried these days.

Have a wonderful day!!