

Monday, April 23, 2012

Things I'm learning....

I have a long, long way to go.

God teaches me something new

Sometimes it's hard learning a new lesson.

But, I am better for it.

God is teaching me how to love.

Like really love.

If I thought I knew what love was before, I was wrong.

He wants me to see others as HE sees them.

I hope others see me like HE sees me.

I refuse to live in guilt.

I bring on the bulk of my guilt.

Mostly involving parenting.

It drives me crazy when I do this.

I know it's not good for me.

I am daily trying to give it all to Him.

He wants freedom in this area for me.

I want it too.

My Mom loves me.

She looks at me like I look at Presley.

Your Mom feels the same about you.

Remember, you will be in her shoes one day.

Life goes by too fast.

I am emotional.

My kids carry my heart on a little string around their little sticky fingers.

Lem has the rest of it in his calm, cool, and collected handsome hands.

God has it all.

Wrapped up in His arms.

I rest in this.

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