

Friday, July 27, 2012

Insta-Week 7/23-7/27....

"It was good for me to be afflicted 

    so that I might learn your decrees.
The law from your mouth is more precious to me
    than thousands of pieces of silver and gold."
Psalm 119:71-72

Oh my goodness. What a week.

Emotional. Crying. Joy. Happiness. All rolled into one awesome Summer week.

VBS with our Orchard Grove friends was a HUGE success. My friend, Kim Jaynes, offered our friends to come to her church for 4 days of life-changing fun. 

Kim is my hero. She is always serving, helping, and pointing the way to Christ. I still cannot think back on this week without tears spilling down my face.

Lives were changed. The biggest being my own.

If I could say one thing I have learned these last few weeks, it would be: God is pruning my heart and teaching me invaluable lessons about humility, grace, and love.

He is leading me to lead others to Him, and then to get out of the way. Sometimes I get tripped up because I want to linger instead of pointing the way to Him and moving on. 

I have to leave my concerns and worries over these kids at the Cross, and trust that He has this overwhelming thing in His big capable hands. 

These kids do not need me, they need Him. Plain and simple. 

Just like I teach my own children: I will fail them at times. I will disappoint them at times. But, God never, ever will. God will always be there. Always. 

Isn't that just awesome?

I try to teach my children to never lean on a person for their security, but to lean on Jesus. 

It's a lesson that God is constantly teaching me as well. 

Big things happening in my heart. Not just my heart, but Lem's and my children's. 

Joseph said quietly at dinner that this had been the best Summer ever. He said he saw things differently due to his new found friendships with these Orchard Grove kids. He said he just feels different.

Oh, how I can relate. 

Here's our week in pictures. 

Lunch date with my girl today. Our fave spot...Chili's.

My favorite little chicken...Lamiah. (her nickname is Chicken)
This girl has my heart...and then some.

Off to cheer camp! She had so much fun. Oh how I love this girl!

Lord, I hope Presley always loves me this much. Be still my heart.

My sweet and tough girl, Egypt. She has my heart too. 

Our SHINE shirts arrived!

Happy weekend-ing!

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