

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Slow down.....

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Being a mom is hard. Real hard.

I find myself second guessing decisions that I make, or don't make.

Constantly I am wondering if I am too strict, not strict enough?

I want to do a good job at this. I really do.

Today, one of the refrigerator racks fell off. Crashing with a boom to the floor. 

A jar of blueberry jelly busted all over the floor. Blue jelly and pieces of glass. Everywhere.

It was a mess. A big fat mess.

As I was on my knees scrubbing the jelly off the floor and picking up pieces of glass, the Lord reminded me of something.

I was in a rush when I was putting the ketchup back on that shelf after dinner. My hand haphazardly hit the bottom of the shelf, and boom came crashing down. 

It was an accident that could easily have been prevented.  I was in a hurry. 

I see the same thing in my parenting.

If I don't take the time now to slow down, to mend things, tend to things, nurture things that happen in the lives of my children....those things will soon be just like that jelly splattered all over the floor. A big fat mess.

I realize many things will be a "choice" for them. We all have choices. However, my job is to not be their conscience but their trainer. My job is to train them now for the race of life. I won't be able to run the race at all times beside them, but I have the chance now to prepare them. To condition them for what is to come.

Life is hard. Training is necessary and essential to this race. 

Lord, remind me to slow down. Please help me to take the time to be attentive to these little ones. Help me to not be rushed, bothered,  or too busy to stop, in my parenting. I desire to be intentional and purposeful in training them. I desire to not just mend seams that bust in their lives but to watch for seams that are weak or loose. Give me eyes to see those barely noticeable seams that are in need of attention, Lord. I have this one chance to raise these precious ones. Please help me to do it well. 


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